Say hello to my tavs

Name: Jaskier
Age: Over one hundred
Race/subrace: Wood elf
Class/subclass: College of Lore Bard
Deity: Silvanus
Background: Folk-hero
Assignment: Chaotic good
Romanced: Astarion and Halsin
Sexuality: Queer
Gender: Fluid
Pronouns: Anything, doesn't care

A bit of backstory:
Jaskier grew up in the outskirts of Baldur's gate, his family having immigrated to the city long before he was born. Even then he was passionate about music, bringing in money by playing in the taverns and streets of the Lower City. Long days were spent out in the sun, playing his lyre to anyone who would stop to listen. His passionate nature didn't only extend to his music however, growing up around a bustling city it was no suprise he heard tales and stories of the monsters lurking both in and out of the walls of Baldur's Gate. His overwhelming curiosity and (sometimes misplaced) confidence is what led to him diving head first into adventuring with nothing but his elven abilities and a lyre on his back.

Fun fact:
Jaskier is the tav of my first playthrough who I named and classed after Dandelion from The Witcher (games and books, I dont like the series...), which I was fixated on at the time!

Likes and dislikes:
Likes: Elven music, cyan, owlbears, taverns, his friends, poetry, drama
Dislikes: The flaming fist, being alone, authority figures, controlling people

Name: Kurai
Age: Unknown
Race/subrace: Seldarine drow
Class/subclass: Multiclass oath of vengeance paladin and draconic bloodline sorcerer
Deity: Eilistraee
Background: Haunted one
Assignment: Planning to have him develop from a true neutral (obviously post tadpole in act one) to a neutral good
Romancing: Gale
Sexuality: Bisexual
Gender: Man
Pronouns: He/xem

A bit of backstory:
He already has a precreated one as an origin character (which I am still exploring and finding more about as I am currently in act one of this playthrough)!

Fun fact:
Kurai is a Japanese word that translates to dark/gloomy. This is my second ever playthrough and my first dark urge one!

Likes and dislikes:
Likes: Quiet, night-time, darkness, peace
Dislikes: Loud noises, arguments

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