BG3 lore
A not so organised or comprehensive look at the lore. Basically my collections of little details and history in the BG3 world I find interesting/wanted to note down:] the images are toggle buttons, press them to see lore about the location/character pictured! At the end I have links to the books with the ingame lore sorted into location.
- Blighted village/Moonhaven
- Links
Blighted village/Moonhaven

The blighted village, previously known as "Moonhaven" (before falling into ruin), is a small settlement that's in Act 1. It was home to Selunite settlers nearby the Selune temple (now taken over as the Goblin camp). Through books and notes found around Blighted Village we can work out that the area was raided by Ketheric's Dark Justiciars in the year 1371 DR. Prior to this it was home to Ilyn Toth, a red mage who posed as a village healer after fleeing his home, fearing the Zulkir's finding and killing him. The only person who knew his real identity was his apprentice and his familiar- who secured "bodies" for him. He had a secret cellar under his home where he would peform experiments on village residents in failed attempts to find out how to resurrect an unamned woman.

Blighted village: